27 May 2014
Hello! This is an in-depth post that will be getting filled in over time. Most of these techniques are available in my project SoInformed.

Optimizing web sites is complex, but necessary topic to understand as web developers to achieve faster web applications. There are many well known resources that have identified best practices to improve website performance. Many web frameworks have made these tasks easier by abstracting the complexity away, but not all of them are well documented, some features are hidden and some are not possible at the framework level. These entries will focus on different topics and attempt to identify how to perform these optimizations, or how they are automatically done, within the Rails framework.

Make Fewer HTTP Requests

In HTTP 1.0 servers would typically close a TCP connection after each request (in HTTP 1.1 persistent connections are a solution). The overhead of opening and closing connections as well as limitations of maximum parallel connections per server make web page loading slower.

To avoid these issues, as you may have guessed, typical solutions pack multiple requests into a single request.

Combining Javascript and CSS

Rails can automatically join Javascript and CSS files together. The asset pipeline has the concept of manifest files to declare the files you want to include together (typically application.css and application.js). In production all the javascript and css files will be joined into a single file.

app/assets/javascripts/application.js view raw
// This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into including all the files listed below.
// Add new JavaScript/Coffee code in separate files in this directory and they'll automatically
// be included in the compiled file accessible from http://example.com/assets/application.js
// It's not advisable to add code directly here, but if you do, it'll appear at the bottom of the
// the compiled file.
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require_tree .
//= require contacts

Then you can include links to the manifest files in your layouts:

app/views/layouts/application.html.erb view raw
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>

<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>

Combining Images (Sprites and CSS)

As for images, there is no default way in Rails that joins image requests together, aka spriting. To do this you need to use a library such as Compass. Organize a set of images in a folder and the images will be sprited together. Helpers exist to easily allow you to reference a single image within the sprite map. To include the sprite folder in Compass you would declare the following:

app/assets/stylesheets/base.css.scss view raw
1 @import "logos/*.png";
2 @include all-logos-sprites;

Once you have included the sprites, you can reference dynamic namespaced class names, like logos-foursquare-powered.

app/views/layouts/application.html.erb view raw
<%= sprite_link "logos-foursquare-powered", "http://foursquare.com", :target => '_blank' %>

Inline images

Another common way to reduce requests is to encode an image in Base64 and include it in CSS for example. The way to achieve this in Rails is to leverage the sass-rails gem and use the helper inline-image.

app/assets/stylesheets/base.css.scss view raw
1 background-image: inline-image('so-informed.png');
Trade-offs This is typically good for smaller images that can be cached with CSS. You should ask yourself some questions like:

Compress and Gzip Components

source Compressing and Gzipping are techniques to reduce the body size of an HTTP response. ### Compression (or minification) There are many types of compression or minification, but Rails compression refers typically to assets. This is automatically in the Rails asset pipeline by specific configured

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)


Coming soon...

Add Expires or Cache-Control Header


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Put Stylesheets at Top


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Put Scripts at Bottom


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Avoid CSS Expressions


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Make JavaScript and CSS External


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Reduce DNS Lookups


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Minify JavaScript and CSS


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Avoid Redirects


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Remove Duplicate Scripts


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Configure ETags


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Make Ajax Cacheable


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Flush Buffer Early


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Use GET for Ajax Requests


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Postload Components


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Preload Components


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Reduce the Number of DOM Elements


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Split Components Across Domains


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Minimize Number of iframes


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Avoid 404s


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Reduce Cookie Size


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Use Cookie-Free Domains for Components


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Minimize DOM Access


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Develop Smart Event Handlers


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Choose Over @import


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Avoid Filters


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Optimize Images


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Optimize CSS Sprites


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Do Not Scale Images in HTML


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Make favicon.ico Small and Cacheable


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Keep Components Under 25 KB


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Pack Components Into a Multipart Document


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Avoid Empty Image src


Coming soon...


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